Enjoy our variety of pellets and spices!!
BBQ Delight Pellets cost $15 per bag.
Green Mountain Pellets cost $16.59 per bag.
Prices vary on spices and sauces.
We invite you to come checkout our variety of pellets from BBQ Delights and Green Mountain. Some of the delicious smoke flavors we stock include Premium Texas Blend, Premium Fruitwood Blend, Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey, Hickory, Cherry and many others. Try them out individually in your pellet grill/smoker or mix them to create your own unique flavor.
We also carry spices and sauces that will make your dish spectacular!! We stock a nice line of rubs, sauces, marinades and spices such as R Butts R Smoking, Plowboys, John Henry’s, Smoke On Wheels, Big Rick’s, Sweetwater Spice Company and more. Stop by and pick some for the next time you are cooking on your Yoder Smoker or Green Mountain Grill. Your family and friends will love you for it!!